Saturday, May 9, 2015


Beautiful! I wish I could really do and practice this in my everyday life!!

The old Feng Shui Principle of Clearing the Space, Clearing the Clutter form your house and ESPECIALLY Your Life is Critical for You to Manifest Your Dream Life!
How many of You are holding onto relationships that DO NOT SERVE YOUR HIGHEST GOOD?
How many of You are in Relationships that DRAIN Your Energy?
How many of You Lack the strength or are too Fearful to Speak Your Truth and Implement Healthy Strong Boundaries into Your Life and Relationships??

Imagine living a Life where Your Relationships fill You with Love, Energy and Excitement. Where the people in Your Life Lift You Up and Support you in Achieving Your Dreams and Desires! Where the people align with the core of your being and they actually GET YOU!!!

When you LET GO of Relationships that do not serve your highest Good you Clear the Space for Higher Vibrational People, Experiences and Relationships to FLOW in to Your Life!
When You Speak Your Hearts Truth You Step into Your Authentic Power!
When You Speak Your Hearts Truth it Opens Your Throat Chakra which connects to your Heart Chakra. And when you do this and Your Heart Opens more and more, the Energy Flow increases into Your Next Chakra Your Solar Plexus, the seat of your Personal Power.

If You Choose to Not Speak Your truth Your Chakras will remain at a Low Vibration and this is where you begin to manifest Symptoms of Sickness in your Body and challenges in Your Life!
If you Desire a Life of Flow, Ease n Grace, then OPENING Your Chakras is a Fundamental Step in the Direction of Your Dreams!

This is Why with all of my clients I teach them How to Open their Chakras and keep them Flowing and Balanced, to Speak their Truth and Smooth Their Words with Love and Peace, Stepping Continuously Into their Personal Power Living their Dreams!

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