Monday, December 21, 2015

Why i L O V E Aged Care

Aged Care Nursing does not hold the same esteem as Nurses working in acute hospital settings. Some moments I feel the same, working initially at the Aged Care Facility (ACF) was not my first plan but fate turned me to its direction and I cannot be happier and feel blessed to be given the chance to experience this noble and very caring aspect of Nursing. My perspective turned 360 degrees around and I learned so much of myself wile working in the ACF. I never knew I could be patient, but indeed, my patience was stretched farther that what I have expected.

I admit it's not always a bed of roses, arguments and stress fill the day if not most of it but that's when you realize that these arguments and stress happen because you care and you wanted what's best not only for yourself or the staff but most because of your patients.

I cried many times, not only because I pity the residents but more on my own frustration to look after my elders. The ACF has opened my eyes to how lonely my parents had been when most of their seven children spread their wings and flew out of the nest. I appreciated them more than ever and despite having some issues with them, I know that I will always be there with them. And working in the ACF has both filled a big part of longing for my parents and appreciating all their hard wok and love they have bestowed their children unconditionally.

I now work at an Acute Hospital setting and I still get to look after the older population but the bond and rapport you build is nothing compared when you are given time to nurture and build a relationship not only with the patient but with their family and friends.

I found this video on the internet and just had a big impact on the realities of aging. Enjoy the video.


  1. hi. i really enjoyed reading your blogs. :)

    1. thank you very much, I don't even think anyone reads it.. cheers!!!

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